Air Duct Cleaning
We understand that there are numerous air duct cleaning systems and companies in the market today offering services for home air duct cleaning. However, many systems are not suitable for homes built within the past 20 years, primarily due to the size and ducting material used. To address this, we employ an advanced cleaning process that delivers visible results. Our cleaning equipment ensures effective cleaning regardless of your home’s size or duct configuration.
Once Every 2-3 Years
If You Have Pets That Shed
You Are Sneezing Frequently
You Recently Finished a Home Remodel
There is Visible Dust in the Home
You Purchased a New Home
You Recently Had a New Baby
You Purchased a New Furnace

Home Air Duct Cleaning FAQS
Do you clean air ducts for $99?
No, we do not clean air ducts for $99. If you hire an air duct company for $99 to clean your air ducts, you are going to have one of two experiences.
The first will be where they come to your home, hook up a vacuum, and blow a little bit of air in each vent. The process will take about 25 to 35 minutes. You’ll think air duct cleaning is a joke after not feeling or seeing any benefit to the service.
The second outcome will be the low price in, high price out method where you’ll end up paying hundreds, if not thousands more than you wanted to just to get a thorough air duct cleaning.
If you see someone advertising $99 air duct cleaning, expect to have a disappointing experience.
At Pokk Services, we pride ourselves on providing upfront pricing so you know what you are paying for.
How long will the cleaning take?
Typically, home air duct cleaning takes two to three hours for most homes. Larger homes can take the better part of a day to get the job done correctly.
Will my home get dusty?
No, with our sealed dome and industrial HEPA rated vacuum, we are able to capture all of the dust out of your ducts and out of your home. We have found homes that have had remodels or additions and the duct system is not run to code. Even in those scenarios we have the tools and expertise to ensure we get the dust out of your home, not in it!